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MCFRS Fiscal Management


Employee Expense Voucher

You are about to input data for an employee expense voucher. Please have everything ready (all receipts, mileage, information, etc.) before proceeding. it is important that you read the following notes, as well:
  • General Note: This form is not just for travel expenses. This form should be used when an employee is requesting reimbursement for any qualifying work-related expense (such as memberships, training, travel, conferences, etc.) per Administrative Procedures 1-2 or 1-5.
  • Private Vehicle: Vehicle use was authorized or a County Vehicle was unavailable for business. Attach a PDF of a Google Map or similar. Mileage is calculated at GSA mileage rate.
  • County-Owned Vehicle: Vehicle use was for business. Attach a PDF of a Google Map or similar. Mileage is calculated at GSA mileage rate.
  • Receipts: Receipts for actual costs MUST be attached to this form, per Administrative Procedures 1-2 and 1-5.
  • Conference/Seminar/Training: The agenda or brochure MUST be attached, even if employee is not requesting reimbursement for conference costs. Any meals provided as part of the Conference will be deducted from the M&IE Per Diem reimbursement.
  • Totals: Because some people use P-Cards for some expenses, you will see two total lines on the form: Total Expenses of Trip and Total Reimbursement to Staff. The latter does not include P-Card charges, as the employee is not to be reimbursed for charges on the P-Card.
  • Comments: This box is for any explanation regarding any field in the form in which you need to provide more detail.
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01/13/2025Click to Sign
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